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  • Writer's pictureMegan Lee

The Key to College Success

College is an extremely different experience than it was in High School. I'll admit... tears were shed because I felt like I couldn't keep up ,and my time management was all over the place. However, I feel like I've finally cracked the code. So if you're still in a place where you can't find that balance, let me help you out and give some advice. If you feel like you're fine, stick around and maybe I can give you some other ideas that you may not have thought of!

1) Hard work PAYS OFF ( I PROMISE you)

I cannot stress this enough. If you put in 110% effort, your professor will recognize this and will reward you for it. My communications class recently assigned a paper to write about a theory that the media uses. Honestly, I spent about 5 hours writing and researching on the paper. Yet, when I finished- I felt like it wasn't good enough. I edited a little bit every day, and I decided to re-write the entire paper. But after I submitted it, I felt so good that I went out of my way to make something even better. My professor definitely recognized this: "Thank you for a superlative job where you both met and exceeded the requirements of this assignment. Great Work!"

2) Study at least 1 Week before an Exam

I am aware that we have all been taught from a young age to study early, but this is so entirely true. I studied 1 week earlier in preparation for a Psychology Exam, and the day before- I was not experiencing any stress (which is extremely weird but felt so good!). I walked in to the test ,and it was a breeze. A little studying once a day will pay off in the long run. It's a win-win. You were responsible to study, and you got to enjoy your time without any cramming. Life is so much better.


3) Sunday Morning...Sit down and plan, Plan, PLAN

If you don't have an agenda already, go out and buy one. Professors have their entire outline for the semester in their syllabus, so go ahead and write down everything that is assigned/coming out at you for the week. Have the time? Write the plan for the entire month down. This will help you visualize how to spend your time. Also, if there is a test next Monday, I usually like to put a little note on the week before and give myself a warning that says "Don't forget! Test next Monday!" Just so I don't panic on Sunday night.

4) Color Code

I like to color code my assignments, tests, homework, and personal stuff, etc. I can flip open a week and immediately know if it's going to be a busy week or not. Tests are usually in BRIGHT orange. Purple is personal. Quizzes are in light green. And Neon Yellow are essays due. This helps to quickly recognize any important events!

5) Speak up in Class

I challenge myself to say at least one comment/question in each class every day. This lets you stand out to the professor and benefits you for the future. One time I didn't do so hot on a test ,but my professor knew me by name because I spoke up so much and participated in his class. He let me slide away from a few questions. 

6) Don't make it harder than it is.

It sounds like a simple statement...but it's true. I think since everyone tells you that "College is going to be SO hard" or "You're never going to be able to go to sleep at night with the amount of work you get"-it gets into your head and you start thinking like that. When an assignment said, read pages 1-50, it's really only 50 pages. Just take it slowly. Break it down and read 10 pages every hour.

7) Take a Break!

I used to come home from school and immediately start working on homework, but stop. You just spent an entire day of studying and working hard, you need YOU time. Spending an hour relaxing isn't going to prevent you from graduating. In fact, if you don't give yourself a break and you continue to exhaust yourself, everything that you're trying to learn is probably going out the other ear.

8) Favorite Way to Study...

Personally, my favorite way to study has been flashcards. Also, instead of cramming a bunch of information on a card, make a separate flashcard for each term, court case, definition, historical person, war, etc. I also like to color code on these such as using a green marker for a court case so that when I take the test, I can have a better mental picture of what card to remember. 

9) Treat Yourself!

My absolutely favorite saying since I stepped into college. If you had 3 quizzes and a test and an essay in 1 week, round of applause for you. Go out there and buy the smoothie you've been craving. Even if you spent an 7 hours of studying for a test and you walked out not really confident, I still say go out and treat yourself to something because you put a lot of hard work into it. Just do it. 

Sincerely, Megan <3

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